Learn How to Build a Track From Start to Finish with TAETRO and Push 3
TAETRO uses Push 3 to create a complete track from scratch in less than an hour, leaning into the obstacles that crop up during the music-making process.
TAETRO uses Push 3 to create a complete track from scratch in less than an hour, leaning into the obstacles that crop up during the music-making process.
Here’s a roundup of some of the best Push performances we’ve seen this year.
Add full standalone playability to your Push with the new Upgrade Kit.
Get a taste of Live 12 or the all-new Push at an event near you.
Out now: Live 11.3.10 improves the accuracy and performance of auto-warping with different types of audio material. It also includes the latest bug fixes for Push.
Learn the many ways you can shape sounds with Push’s pads in this thorough tutorial from Andri Søren.
Get to grips with the basics of recording on Push, looping the audio and arranging it for studio sessions or live performances.
Learn how Jamie Blake brings life to his lo-fi melodies and finger drummed beats on Push’s new expressive pads.
The new Push is here – an expressive standalone instrument. Watch the video to see the new features in action.