서울을 중심으로 사운드 디자이너, 음악 프로듀서로 다양하게 활동 중인 오희원은 Kim Kate라는 이름으로 더 잘 알려져 있습니다. 런던 골드스미스 대학교에서 음악 컴퓨팅을 전공한 그는 다양한 분야에서 음악 전문가로써 활동 중입니다. 웨어하우스 테크노, 그라임을 비롯한 다양한 스펙트럼의 음악을 발표해온 그는 BBC Radio 1, Rinse FM, Worldwide FM 등을 통해 소개되었으며, 한국으로 돌아온 이후 사운드 디자이너로써 루이 비통, thisisneverthat 과 같은 패션 브랜드의 오디오 브랜딩을 담당하기도 했습니다.
Heewon Oh
- Seoul 大韓民国
- 指導歴
- 2016
- プロフィール
- トレーナー
- 言語
- 英語, 朝鮮語
- 連絡先
- [javascript protected email address]
- その他のリンク
- InstagramArtist website

열정적인 Live 유저이기도 한 그는 현재 서울예술대학교 실용음악과 전자음악전공을 대상으로 Live 및 Max를 활 용한 Sound Synthesis 과정을 강의하고 있으며, 호원대학교에서는 Live를 중심으로 음악 창작 기법들에 좀 더 쉽 게 접근하고 흥미로운 방식으로 음악을 만드는 과정을 가르치고 있습니다.
EN version below:
Heewon Oh is a sound designer and music producer, working on his solo recordings. He has also worked for various fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton and thisisneverthat. He is an Ableton Live enthusiast and has worked as an educator since 2016. He has worked in London but is now based in Seoul.
He is widely known for his alias, Kim Kate from Grime, Heavy Thumper to Warehouse Techno. Heewon has released an array of music that incorporates an intelligent and strong selection of textures and styles to the sounds. His track was featured on BBC Radio1, Rinse FM, Worldwide FM, and Seoul Community Radio.
He has taught Music Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Computer Music at Dongguk University. He now works as a multidisciplinary music expert.
As an Ableton Live enthusiast, he teaches students at Seoul Institute of Arts and Howon University. Heewon also offers a class called ‘Creative Sound Design for Laptop Musicians’ besides working at the university. The course is designed for training students extensively to be more fast-paced, professional musicians by using Ableton Live.
注: Ableton認定トレーナーおよびAbleton認定トレーニング機関は独立する個人および団体であり、Ableton関係者および代理者ではありません。また、Ableton AGおよびAbleton Inc.およびAbleton KKはこれらの個人および団体の運営に関わっておりません。コース提供およびカリキュラムの責任はすべてトレーナーおよびトレーニング機関にあります。Abletonは、トレーナーまたはトレーニング機関の行為に対して一切の債務および法的責任を負いません。

- 指導歴
- 2016
- プロフィール
- トレーナー
- 言語
- 英語, 朝鮮語
- 連絡先
- [javascript protected email address]
- その他のリンク
- InstagramArtist website