Record Factory

  • Seoul Südkorea

Record Factory is one of the best music production and sound engineering academies in east Asia, offering a week to six month courses in music production, audio engineering, and post production with high caliber facilities and top-quality instructors.

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This highly distinguished academy is drawing the industry’s attention for its innovative music & sound production courses that not only focus on techniques, but also share know-how on 'how to make music.'

As one of the original Ableton Certified Training Centers, Record Factory offers 1-week courses and six month courses of intensive Live 10 training. With certified trainer Byungryul Lee and Minju Kim ( aka KxxHz ), students get an opportunity to understand computer music production within the unique concepts of Ableton Live 10, as well as MIDI and digital audio, optimized workflow with Push 2 & Live 10, and arrangement and composition of their own tracks.

Record Factory has its own Live 10 training room that is equipped with the latest technology and every student is given their own Apple iMac computer and Ableton Push 2 controller to work with. 

Class size: 8 students max

+82-2-539-7335 ( Korean )
+82-2-522-7333 ( English )

Korean Version:

레코드팩토리는 2012 처음수업을시작한이후현재까지뮤직프로덕션 / 사운드엔지니어 / 사운드디자인을위한최상의교육프로그램을제공하고있습니다기존대학입시나자격증위주의단편적인학원교육에서벗어나,실제음악과사운드를만들어내기위한혁신적인교육과정을진행하고있습니다.

Ableton 공인교육센터인레코드팩토리는 6개월동안진행되는한국어과정과일주일동안진행되는국제과정으로이루어진 Ableton Live 10 교육을제공하고있습니다공인트레이너인이병렬선생님김민주 ( aka Kxxhz ) 선생님과함께 Ableton Live 10독창적인컨셉뿐만아니라 MIDI 디지털오디오, Push 2 & Live 10 최적화워크플로우편곡작곡교육을통한체계적인뮤직프로덕션을배울있습니다.

레코드팩토리는최고의장비들로구성된 Live 10 전용강의실이준비되어있으며모든학생들에게 iMac 컴퓨터와 Ableton Push 2 컨트롤러가함께제공됩니다.

Class size: 8 students max

+82-2-539-7335 ( Korean )

+82-2-522-7333 ( English ) 

Hinweis: Ableton Certified Trainer und Ableton Certified Training Center sind private Organisationen oder Unternehmen und weder Mitarbeiter noch Vertreter von Ableton. Sie werden nicht von Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. oder Ableton KK verwaltet. Die Trainer und Training Center sind für ihre Studienangebote und Lehrpläne selbst verantwortlich. Ableton übernimmt keine Verantwortung oder Haftung für deren Handlungen.