Josh Garrett has been producing and performing electronic music since catching the techno bug in 1995. In 2004, Ableton Live version 3 became the core of his live p.a. setup. Mainly producing acid and dub techno styles means Josh requires a high degree of flexibility for modulating sounds and effects.
Josh Garrett
- New Westminster British Columbia Kanada

Ableton's obstruction-free workflow and intuitive controller integration quickly won him over and today Ableton Suite is the main digital audio production and sequencing tool in his studio.
Josh has over 10 years experience providing training for complex software applications with high-demand corporate, independent and individual audiences.
Josh provides a focus on recording, production and performance applications for Ableton Live. Lessons are available for one-on-one training, small group classroom training and personalized consultation to reach your creative objectives whatever your experience level is.
Hinweis: Ableton Certified Trainer und Ableton Certified Training Center sind private Organisationen oder Unternehmen und weder Mitarbeiter noch Vertreter von Ableton. Sie werden nicht von Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. oder Ableton KK verwaltet. Die Trainer und Training Center sind fßr ihre Studienangebote und Lehrpläne selbst verantwortlich. Ableton ßbernimmt keine Verantwortung oder Haftung fßr deren Handlungen.